Don’t wait for the Fireworks on July $th. Come enjoy the fun comradery on Lake Hawkins a couple weeks earlier. The 7th Annual Lake Hawkins Poker Run takes place on Saturday, June 15th, 2024.
Registration is on the lakefront at Taste of Italy, Saturday, June 15th. There will be a white tent where you come to register. With a $20 donation, you will receive a scorecard to enter the poker run. You can donate more money and receive a second scorecard. Registration is from 10:30am to 11:30am. Poker Run starts at 11:00am ending at 1:00pm. There will be four boat docks around the lake that will have a sign posted, that says “Poker Run Stop”. This sign will be on the waterside and there will also be one on the roadside. You will draw one card at each dock and the person at the dock will mark your scorecard with the card you drew. The fifth card will be drawn when you return to the starting point where you registered waterfront at Taste of Italy. Persons with the highest hand will win a prize there will be three prizes awarded. Winners announced at 3 PM must be present to win.
If you happen to be hungry, at one of the docks you can donate five dollars and receive a hotdog, chips and drink.
Any form of transportation you choose is fine, it is not limited to boats or motorcycles.
Hope to see you Saturday. Come join the fun be a part of supporting our Fourth of July fireworks at Lake Hawkins.
All proceeds go to the Fourth of July fireworks.
Love Lake Hawkins Association

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